1. Abstraction of porject
The use of 3D data has endless applications, but it would be
particularly useful in fields such as digital twin systems, where it can
accurately replicate real-world environments. By utilizing Unity, I
studied algorithms such as Neural A* and simple waypoint to enable a
drone object to navigate a 3D city model with rigid body properties and
reach its destination.
2. A* pathfinding
A* algorithm
A* search algorithm is a graph traversal and path search algorithm.
Unity provides pathfinding module based on A* algorithm. Starting from a
specific node, in my case, from warehouse, it aims to find a path to the
given goal node, in our case, delivery point, having smallest cost.
It is kind of heuristic method. A* expands nodes based on the cost of
getting the node and an estimated cost to reach the goal from that node.
A* expand nodes with the lowest total cost.
I considered using the A* algorithm as a pathfinding method for drones,
assuming that the drone has access to map information, specifically the
starting and ending points and road network information of the city.
However, there are several issues with this assumption. The entire map
information of the city may be too heavy for the drone to carry, as it
needs to confirm sensor information, self-check problems, and perform
transmission and reception roles with the server. Additionally, the A*
algorithm uses a somewhat greedy approach that requires scanning through
all nodes, which could potentially slow down real-time systems such as
Neural A*
Taking into account these issues, I considered incorporating an
algorithm such as neural A*. This is a method proposed by Ryo Yonetani
et al. in their paper
"Path Planning using Neural A* Search", which uses neural networks to pre-process the calculations needed for
pathfinding, resulting in faster speed and greater accuracy than A*. The
path is dynamically adjusted, continuously improving the route rather
than being statically determined. The first neural network is used to
predict the distance between the current node and the goal node, while
the second neural network checks the validity of the path. Through this
method, the drone can utilize real-time images it collects, enabling the
investigation of a pathfinding method for drone delivery that reflects
the highly volatile urban environment.
3. Further Research
While Neural A* pathfinding is still a heavy method to implement on
drones, if a digital twin is created and communication between the drone
and server is smooth through the city's CPS network, the pathfinding can
be handled by the server in the digital twin and only the motor values
of each propeller can be communicated to the actual drone, allowing it
to reach the destination with much lighter processing. Given the
opportunity for further research, I would like to return to this problem
and study the weight reduction of delivery drones using digital twins.