Predicting unseen danger in road circumstance

Predicting unseen danger in road circumstance

1. Why should car predict unseen danger in road scene?

There are many unpredictable events that can happen on the road. The ultimate goal of autonomous vehicles is to detect and predict signals that even drivers cannot see on the road and warn about them. While developing the longitudinal control of autonomous vehicles, particularly the AEB system, I felt that the simplest form of danger detection (emergency stop when an obstacle overlaps my path) is not safe enough. Small parts that have fallen off due to vehicle accidents can cause large secondary accidents. However, it is impossible to introduce all possible dangerous situations that can occur in vehicles on a case-by-case basis. This is because accidents are unpredictable.

Therefore, the vehicle should be able to predict even the unseen data as potential risks, and I aimed to solve this problem with a deep learning model trained on accident scenario videos.

2. CarCrash dataset and BeamNG

I needed to collect accident situation data, and after some investigation, I found the CarCrash Dataset, which I decided to use to train my model initially. However, the problem was that the dataset had only about 1500 five-second accident videos, which was not enough data, and since it was a real accident video dataset, there was a possibility that each video contained incorrect information due to noise differences, and most of the accident videos were very similar. To solve this problem, my supervisor suggested using BeamNG for collecting accident video.

3. Fusion of ViViT and DANN

To choose a model that could efficiently learn from a small dataset, I decided to use the ViViT (video vision transformer) model, which is known to perform well on video classification tasks with regularization techniques.
Furthermore, to reduce the gap between the training and testing datasets due to the differences in background, blurriness, and light reflection, I decided to incorporate domain adaptation using the DANN (Domain Adversarial Neural Network) model proposed by Yaroslav Ganin
I devised a design to apply DANN by attaching a domain classifier and gradient reversal layer to the ViViT model. The goal was to accurately classify accident and non-accident situations using a small amount of video data, with a large gap between the training and test data due to factors such as differences in backgrounds, blur levels, and light reflections.